Sunday, June 8, 2014

Never Knew Daylight Could Be So Violent

All you who love stories, gather round...

Song: "No Light, No Light" by Florence + The Machine
Lyrics: azlyrics
Theme: (good question...)
Spoilers: Yes

Review: ... I like the idea of putting this song and Princess Tutu together. I like how the clips themselves were put together and synched up with the music. But I'm afraid that's all I can really gather from this video.
There were some parts where the clips seemed to match up with the lyrics a bit, but only in literal form. Any semblance of a theme or focus was... undetectable, at least for me. The effects were nice, and the video was lined up with the song's beat and rhythm well. Occasionally the lyrics matched as well, maybe in deeper-than-literal forms if you thought about it. But... I just don't see much from this video.
I wish I had more to say, but it just leaves me feeling confused. I love the song, and I love Princess Tutu. I think they would go great together. This just isn't the way to do it.
Now, that's not to say this video is horrible. I've watched it multiple times and don't feel disturbed (in a bad way) or angry or anything. Just... confused. So I keep watching it. It's one of those 'I don't hate it, but I don't like it... what the heck is it??' things. So I try to keep investigating.
Unfortunately, all I've gathered from my studies is that this video is a good idea that didn't get the focus it needed. (which is weird because the effects suggest otherwise...)

Overall Rating: 4/10

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