Sunday, June 15, 2014

At the Beginning

All you who love stories, gather round...

Song: "At the Beginning" (from Anastasia) by Donna Lewis and Richard Marx
Lyrics: azlyrics
Theme: Fakir and Duck, Fakiru
Spoilers: Yes

Review: This song has a wonderful theme that is fantastic to see put to such great use as in this video!
At the beginning of the first chorus, there's the desires to continue with life from when Tutu/Duck was stuck in Drosselmeyer's world. "Life is a road that I wanna keep going"; no matter what you say, Drosselmeyer! I think the thing I like best is how beginnings are highlighted, and the journey through them (lyric-wise and with footage); even though they've been through a lot, and things seem to be over, there's so much more yet ahead~ <3 I also really love the bridge verse and the following chorus (about 2:04-55); it goes through their relationship so well, or at least reviews it wonderfully.
Now, I do think that the overlaying was used a bit much. It was all to good effect, and sometimes more powerfully than others, but I think points could have been made simply by putting sequences around each other, not always overtop of one another. Also, while many of the clips were used in excellent points, lyrically and musically, there were a few places that just kind-of felt like filler. (Ex: 1:40-48, 3:04-12, 1:20-27) Not that it was bad filler; but it was filler.
So overall, I really enjoy this video. It's a great song for the couple, and in fact a great song for the series in general! Beginnings, journeys, unexpected turns... And the editing is really nicely used most of the time. I'd recommend this to a fan of the couple, but I'm not sure it'd exactly convince anyone not already on the bandwagon~ :3 (although it'd do a pretty nice go at it)

Overall Rating: 8/10

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