Saturday, June 7, 2014


All you who love stories, gather round...

Song: "Howl" by Florence + The Machine
Lyrics: azlyrics
Theme: Rue/Mytho
Spoilers: Yes

Review: Florence + The Machine is generally an awesome choice for a PT AMV. This video is no exception~
The symbolism of searching for a beating heart plays wonderfully into Rue and Mytho's relationship, although also almost ironically. Blood, chasing, needing... all fantastic thematic overlays. And the constant switching of lyrical matching between Rue and Mytho is really interesting, showing that they both are a part of this overpowering need for each other in their times.
That said, the constant switch also felt a bit confusing at times. Maybe I have a personal bias because I think there are more clips that seem to focus on Rue's POV so I feel like changing that POV should be more obvious or consistent, but I can also see where I might be overanalyzing it. (Perhaps I'm just partial to Rue. XD' )
One thing I cannot simply pass off though is the crazy ambiance/light/glowing. I understand the black and white theme, some flashes or a little glare on occasion for emphasis. But the overwhelming usage of it just gets distracting for me.
Alright, back to a more thematic part. I really like "Be careful of the curse that falls on young lovers/ Starts so soft and sweet and turns them to hunters." The clips used were mostly pertinent, and certainly effective. I would have liked to see a bit more played with that, though, perhaps with Rue's struggles. Which could have happened, if more verses later were used.
That's my final 'mreh' point: this doesn't use the full song! But the creator does acknowledge this and it's actually one of their first longer videos, so I feel I should cut a bit of a break there. despite frustration...
So overall this is a nice video, with a great theme/song choice. I just would have liked it to be longer, and gotten rid of the overarching glare effect.

Overall Rating: 7/10

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