Monday, May 12, 2014

Hold Me Now

Gather round, all you who love stories...

Song:  "Hall om Mig" by Nanne Gronvall (English: "Hold Me Now")
Lyrics: lyricstranslate
Theme: Summary of the show (as the creator says)
Awards: Best Action and Best in Show at Anime Boston 2006, Best Free Form at Fanime 2006
Spoilers: Yes

Discovery: Another AMV a friend showed me to get me interested in Princess Tutu. Very, very influential in convincing me to give it a shot. Because it's just that epic.

Review: This has pretty much become the classic 'No really it's awesome!' promo video that people show their friends to get them interested in the show. And there's a reason. Despite having some huge spoilers all over the place (or maybe it's because it does), the video is gripping, and fantastic, and wonderful, and shares enough of the show's craziness to get you intrigued without scaring you away! Albeit, it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea. Especially if listening to songs in other languages bothers you. (not I, but that's me) But it's generally a good bet if you want to showcase the series.
Right, back to the video itself.
I've not looked up the lyrics before now, and while I will say that the song overall could apply to the series, I don't think that the translation and clips necessarily match up all the time. But what's interesting is that the tempo and lyrical nature are so epic that they go fine with the clips even if you don't know what they're saying! Or despite what sentences they may be forming! (note: nothing bad, and some of the match-ups are really awesome; just generally not as epic as the video itself)
The editing here is fantastical. There are overlaps I didn't know could happen, and as mentioned before, the matching of the tempo with the clips is simply epic~! The video clips keep up with the energy of the song without either one getting repetitive, or feeling overdone.
And otherwise... I'm not really sure what to say. There are plenty of fan cosplay performances using this song, and a number of them are quite good. (especially considering the tempo - ballet is difficult enough when you have a slower tempo!) This video is the root of that. And this video will be, if not amazingtastical for all, at least one of the main sparks of interest for getting into the show for most. That, along with the epic editing skills and catchy tune, make this a true Tutu classic.

Overall Rating: 10/10

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