Monday, May 26, 2014

Don't Cry Out

All you who love stories, gather round...

Song: "Don't Cry Out" by Shiny Toy Guns
Lyrics: metrolyrics
Theme: Duck/Mytho/Rue
Spoilers: Yes

Review: I am fascinated with this song, and it really fits the 'main' struggle between Rue and Duck over Mytho nicely~ (I say 'main' because that's the way it's supposedly/perceived to be, even by the characters at times, but there are waaaay more and deeper things going on than that. But I won't get into that now~)
The opening is a great segue for the show's fairytale setting and the modern tone of the music. The lyrics really speak for both Duck and Rue, as the clips show. I find it really intriguing that the first line is so accurate: "I don't get you." Duck doesn't know what is wrong with Mytho, but she can sense that something is missing. And she wants to help. Then there's the second verse concerning pretending. Both Duck and Rue are guilty of this; Duck wants to believe that she can dance with Mytho, help him without problems, and Rue thinks that Mytho will always be hers and hers alone without any hindrances. While Duck engages in this rather naively, she recognizes that it's a bit out there but still want to believe anyway. With Rue, she is acutely aware that her pretending is just that, but she still fights it every step of the way.
The editing is done really very well. Accents are mostly on time, which is saying a lot for this music, and the clips used for them are relevant. Overlays are used very appropriately, and there aren't too many other effects except for the accents. Nothing distracts from the video, and it all builds together very nicely.
The most poignant part I think was around 2:35-3:20. I know the scenes in and of themselves are also pretty amazing, so that helps, but they are placed wonderfully. With all the crazy action and back-and-forth that's been going on, and constant music with a heavy beat, the dramatic silence is perfectly accented by Rue's lonely despair. And then the yell with her rescue(r) is great~
The ending is also fairly emotionally charged, but it throws me off a bit. It could be read as Duck  'losing' to Rue for Mytho, and smiling because she's alright with that. But still, the emotional charge of that particular scene overpowers the 'ending' given to the video and leaves me almost on a cliffhanger. Maybe it's just me, because in context of the video it's perfectly fine - but I can't separate that scene from the anime's context enough to leave it alone at that collapse and be happy. (although if that was the point, then they were successful)
Also, while the boy's part of "Don't cry out/Cease fire" is a constant part, as is Mytho, the only place I really saw the two meld well together was during the yelling around 2:51-3:10. I know the focus of the video was more on Rue and Duck, but I feel like Mytho could have gotten more interaction. He is paired with them repeatedly and effectively when making points about the girls, but things don't generally seem to match up as well with him by himself as they do with the girls except at that one part. So I would have liked to see a bit more work with that.

Overall Rating: 7/10

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