Thursday, September 18, 2014


Hi, I know it's been a while, but I'm afraid the updates will be sporadic at best for a while. The college semester has started, and I've just got too much to get done to even try to make this analysis blog a regular thing. (As has become evident...)

So sorry for the late notification, but for the next few months this blog will mostly be on hiatus while I'm working on school. Because senior year is crazy, each post/analysis usually takes me about an hour, and I don't really have that much time to spare. (if I do, I've probably forgotten some homework)

Don't forget about TuTuTV, but don't expect much activity until closer to Christmas~
Leave comments with links to videos you find in the meantime, though, and I may add them to the list!

1 comment:

  1. I've just stumbled across this blog and I really enjoy reading your analysis so I hope you will keep writing them :)
